some quick music news and updates.....

Friday, May 13, 2011

quick update on Noel's solo stuff....

Noel Gallagher shoots video for debut solo single?

A cameraman spilled the beans over Twitter.
image: Noel Gallagher Noel Gallagher
Noel Gallagher has reportedly shot a promo video for his debut solo single.
Cameraman, Nito Serna, tweeted the news on Saturday (May 7th) via, stating he was busy shooting a music video for the former Oasis star: "Music video for Noel Gallagher out at Club Ed."
"Epic camera, techno crane. Should be an interesting day."
Mysteriously, the tweet has since been removed.
Club Ed is a permanent film set in California. Originally built in 1991 for the film, 'Eye Of The Storm', the set has gone on to feature in various movies since. 
Despite denials from the man himself, Gallagher is believed to have been recording his solo album in Los Angeles over the past few months.
In March, You Me At Size front man Josh Franceschi tweeted he could overhear Noel recording tunes in the LA studio next door to the band: "Can hear Noel from Oasis blasting his new tunes from the studio next door," he wrote. "Absolutely mental."

Hope the new stuff rocks!! Check out an acoustic vid from Noel below:

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